For many years interest in John Paul II’s Theology of the Body has been crossing denominational lines. However, there hasn’t been a book explaining TOB specifically for a non-Catholic audience – until now.

Catholics and Protestants often speak a different language with different emphases and sensitivities. Having taught in both settings for many years, Christopher West has done the pioneering work of translating St. John Paul II’s life-transforming teaching on human life, love, and sexuality into Protestant-friendly language without compromising the message in any way.

Packed with quotes and insights from the authors Evangelical Christians trust the most, West demonstrates in his well-known and engaging style how John Paul II’s TOB provides hope for all believers in these sexually confusing times.
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This text provides basic yet helpful phenomenological information and guidelines on a number of spiritual remedies, from exorcisms to house blessings.

This valuable book will help to guide you in the darker fields of phenomenology and explain Catholic doctrine on the innumerable manifestations of fallen angels. You can learn from the years of expertise from Fr. Gabriele Amorth, the chief exorcist of the Vatican, as he explains how evil can infect the human body, the nature of sin and the contraction of spiritual evils, and how and when an exorcism is performed. It will tell you how you can recognize the presence of an evil spirit and remedies to be rid of it. A chilling and captivating read, An Exorcist Explains the Demonic will answer questions you may have about Satan's powers, demons, house blessings, and much more.

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Christianity and "alternative sexualities" have often been thought of as being incompatible. This book attempts to reconcile these two aspects of life.

For so many people, their religion comes into conflict with certain aspects of their lives. This is the case with Christians who happen to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. At face value, it would seem that Christianity and "alternative sexualities" are not compatible.

Some hold strong to their beliefs and have found space for reconciliation between their faith and their sexual or gender identity. Author Candace Chellew-Hodge offers her story as a lesbian seeking to maintain the morals she learned from her time growing up in the church, sometimes encountering hate from both the Christian church body as well as the gay community.

This book does not bother spending time finding interpretations of the Bible that condone homosexuality, but rather it is a prescriptive account of confidently handling oppression and self-doubt that can creep into the mind of an LGBT Christian.
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Aelred of Rievaulx’s reflections and guidelines on Spiritual Friendship are more pertinent today than ever. At a time when human love in all its aspects has been trivialized and de-sacralised when the pleasure principle is given priority and recreational sex is commonplace, he emphasizes the demands that authentic love makes. Christian relationships are demanding and his criteria could be helpful for those responding to the call to Christian marriage, those engaged in chaste same-sex relationships, and those endeavoring to revitalize the Christian sense of community. These are the kinds of relationships exemplified in the lives of men and women of God such as David and Jonathan, Ruth and Naomi, Frances de Sales and Jeanne de Chantal, Clare and Francis of Assisi, John of the Cross and Teresa of Avila.  Aelred’s treatise On Spiritual Friendship is a spiritual classic because it has something to say to every age in need of establishing Christ-centred relationships, whether inside or outside of marriage, as well as those in irregular relationships.
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Blood-Bought Promises Too is a daily devotional taken directly from the Word of God that will provide insight, encouragement, and clarity regarding the promises of God in relation to the biblical message of Theology of the Body. These daily meditations speak briefly but in-depth to the heart of the bride for Jesus.

Understanding the incarnate Word of God should be the highest aspiration of everyone wanting to deepen their relationship with the heavenly Bridegroom. The quality of our lives is a by-product of what we understand and apply from our time spent with the Word. Blood-Bought Promises Too provides scripture and commentary that will help readers improve their intimate relationship with Jesus.

This devotional provides a blueprint for possessing all God has already made available in Jesus Christ. Blood-Bought Promises Too will help believers recover their hope, health, and purpose in life. This book will show you how to live without fear, in the Promises of God, by growing in your love for Jesus and for what He has done for us.

Blood-Bought Promises Too is a must-read for anyone interested in knowing what is genuinely theirs in Christ and how to have it according to the Promises of the Theology of the Body. 

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Could years of translations and changes in cultural context alter the original Biblical view on homosexuality?

Homosexuality wasn't mentioned in the Bible until 1946, after hundreds of years of revisions and translations. This means that all verses people point to as justification for their homophobic stances are interpretations that have derived their meaning after the addition of the H word in later revisions. The Queen James Bible takes a deep dive into the historical cultural differences to shed new light on these famous verses. It is not meant to take a biased position on the morality of same-sex unions/activity, but merely an etymological analysis. 

It begins with essays examining the passages in great detail and shows a different way of reading them that doesn't promote homophobia. It then offers the full King James Version of the book with those few verses slightly altered to better represent their actual meaning taken with context. In addition, you'll get a bit of a history lesson on King James himself; a man well known by scholars to have taken same-sex lovers despite the most popular translation of the Bible being named after him.

This is a great read for history buffs or Christians with an open mind who are willing to emphasize putting pastoral outreach first as the primary theme of the Gospel, offering objective truth in love. 

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In Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe, the ever-controversial divide between homosexuality and religious institutions is expanded upon by author John Boswell. Although not viewed as same-sex 'marriages' - which have never been accepted in the Christian Church - Boswell aims to show that same-sex blessings have been quite common in Europe for some time. With examples spanning across different languages and even a case from the fourth century between Basil I and Michael III, same-sex blessings have been a part of life in Europe for centuries.
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